Mr.Hussam Uddin Sabiri: the Bilateral Dept&Cooperation of Mineral Products Enjoys Broad Prospect

Mr.Hussam Uddin Sabiri: the Bilateral Dept&Cooperation of Mineral Products Enjoys Broad Prospect
阿富汗矿业与石油部副部长Hussam Uddin Sabiri

Last Wednesday, the financial and administration deputy minister of Mines and Petroleum of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mr. Hussam Uddin Sabiri has accepted a face-to-face interview by our experienced journalist Mr. Jackie Shi in Changsha, Hunan province, Central China.

Mr. Sabiri`s visit was invited by the Hunan branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) to attend the Promotion Conference of Development and Cooperation of Mineral Products between China and Afghanistan.

The Afghan delegation including government officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Customs, Ministry of Mines & Petroleum, and dozens of owners of mines, amounts to 20, brought with mineral samples, demonstrated a strong desire for cooperation. Almost 100 Chinese attendees comprised of management of mining companies, and potential investors, participated series of events.

The dialogue between Mr. Sabiri and Journalist as below:

Journalist: Sir, would you tell me the advantages of mineral resource development in Afghanistan?

Mr. Sabiri: Afghanistan has very rich mineral resources, lithium being one of them. Investing in lithium mining and processing will benefit Chinese investors and the Afghan people.
Cooperation between Chinese private (state-owned) companies and Afghan enterprises is not only good for China but also for Afghanistan. As long as it operates in standardized exploitation and utilization of mineral resources, it is definitely mutually beneficial and a win-win cooperation.

Journalist: What is the security situation in Afghanistan? What kinds of security measures will the Afghan government take for Chinese companies that intend to open mines in Afghanistan?

Mr. Sabiri: Afghanistan has suffered from 40 years of war. Afghanistan is now very safe, not only the Chinese government but also the Chinese private enterprises have spoken highly of the security situation in Afghanistan, which is the most convincing and suitable to invest in Afghanistan and share job opportunities with the Afghan people, we welcome all levels of the Chinese government and active private enterprises to invest in Mining sector and Petroleum

Journalist: What preferential policies does Afghanistan will adopt for Chinese mineral investors?

Mr. Sabiri: The Afghan Government and the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum are willing to provide convenience to foreign companies investing in Afghanistan positively. At present, it is Chinese companies that are more proactively in showcasing their desire to co-extract or co-explore. Actually, no one has started investing yet. The gold mining agreement has been signed. Nothing else has started yet. In the face of pressure from the United States, China has remained friendly with us and has always stood by the Afghan people.

We are here by the invitation of the mining company, hoping they will cooperate with us. Testing laboratories are necessary, and the next step is to see if, as expected, such laboratories are also established for us.

We visited the auto parts factory this morning, which we wanted to visit when we were in Afghanistan, and the technology and everything were very advanced.
No matter which sector Chinese investors prefer to invest in, we will make every effort to provide what we can within the scope permitted by regulations.



近期中国政府出台的,将于12月实行的对进口自阿富汗的货物实行100%免税的政策,Hussam Uddin Sabiri先生表示非常欢迎和赞赏。此举将减少阿富汗出口矿产品的成本,并增加阿富汗的出口换汇。也将起到鼓励和促进中国人赴阿投资的作用。



阿富汗矿产和石油部代表团的此次来访,开启了中阿两国矿产合作开发的序曲。在湖南 – 阿富汗矿业合作推介会上,中方已经与阿方进出口公司签署了矿产开采协议。半年内的矿产品采购已经开始安排…



上一篇 25/11/2024 12:52
下一篇 25/11/2022 15:24


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